Tom Ziglar
Tom Ziglar
As CEO of Zig Ziglar Corporation, Tom Ziglar carries on the Ziglar philosophy: “You can have everything in life you want if you
will just help enough other people get what they want.” He has written two books, Choose to Win in 2019 and 10 Leadership
Virtues for Disruptive Times, published and released in December 2021. Both of these books expand the Ziglar branding and
philosophy in personal development and leadership and provide the backbone for the most innovative coaching program in
the world.
A more productive, fulfilling, and meaningful life is available to those willing to follow his easy-to-implement sequence of
making one small choice at a time through the time-tested seven key areas: mental, spiritual, physical, family, financial,
personal, and career.
Tom speaks around the world to billion-dollar companies, small business owners, and prestigious academic
institutions, including Cambridge and Harvard. Leadership, business, and performance are among Tom’s favored topics.
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