Membership Benefits
One of the most important benefits of being a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF Global) is the assurance that the entire coaching profession maintains high standards and a stellar reputation. It also includes access to relevant resources to help you be a better coach and run a better business, networking opportunities, partner discounts and professional development opportunities.
Visit the ICF Global website for more information on member benefits.
When you join ICF Singapore Chapter, you are part of the top 10 largest ICF Chapters in the world. You also have access to additional benefits at no additional fees. Some of these include:
- Attending professional development events and webinars for free. Check them out at our upcoming events page.
- Access to a library of recorded events for free. These include recordings from International Coaching Week, Business Development Series and Monthly Events led by expert speakers.
- Access to complimentary Community of Practice sessions.
- Opportunities to engage with external clients through Experience Coaching and Coaches for Community initiatives.
- Easy access to information on Professional Indemnity Insurance
- Leadership and Networking opportunities by volunteering with the Chapter.
- Opportunities to partner with associations and professional bodies.
And you have your own Member Resources area.
Download the Membership Guide for the Singapore Chapter to learn more.

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