ICF Singapore is a volunteer-led and volunteer-run organisation. Our operations and events are all run by a team of volunteers who give their time, effort and skill to support an organisation that has more than 1,000 members.
Volunteering with the Chapter gives you the opportunity to connect with the ICF ecosystem and engage the local coaching community. It also gives you the opportunity to work closely with the Board members and experience a taste of what it could be like being on the Board as well.
Our volunteers are called Ambassadors to communicate how they are representatives of the ICF Singapore Chapter.
We welcome volunteers from the Chapter from all walks of life and all sorts of skills. The key areas of operational and events management work require skill sets such as writing, coordination and liaison, technical support, administration and digital design.
Ambassadors serve one calendar year term. Ambassadors who serve at International Coaching Week would serve for a shorter term.
Ambassadors can join any of the following teams:
- International Coaching Week (January to May)
- Professional Development
- Marketing & Communications
- Membership
- Partnerships
If you're keen to join the team, reach out to us at ambassadors [at] icfsingapore.org

Community of Practice Lead
Communities of Practice are groups of coaches interested in a specific topic area. These communities are designed to provide a platform for sharing best practices, emerging trends, tools and tips among ICF members to advance their professional development. Please send an introductory email to professional.development [at] icfsingapore.org if you wish to volunteer as a Community of Practice Lead.
Pro Bono Coaching
Coaches for Community (C4C) is an ICF Singapore initiative that serves to bring an awareness of coaching to not-for-profit organizations and charities. If you are an ICF credentialed coach and wish to offer pro bono coaching back to the community, please sign up for our bi-monthly newsletter and look out for future announcements. You can also write in to partnerships [at] icfsingapore.org.